7 Keys To Relationship

Join us at The Integral Center on Friday, June 27th from 7-9pm! 

$10 at the door, FREE for IC Members (and no one turned away for lack of ability to pay)

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 “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”  - Albert Einstein

Most of us seek intimacy and communion with a beloved, and yet whether we are in relationship, seeking one, or just coming out of one we find almost insurmountable problems at each stage of the process.

Typically this looks like one person being the “high desire partner” (e.g “needy”) and one being the “low desire partner” (e.g. “distant”). One side of the polarity represents the wisdom and pain of trying to be connected, while the other represents the wisdom and pain of trying to be free.

Books and seminars are only so helpful because, although they offer us new perspectives and exercises, they fail to recognize that the answers lie inside and are totally unique to each of us.

Through working with hundreds of people, I have come to see that there are 7 Keys to unlocking relationship challenges, regardless of what stage of the journey you are in. The catch is that these 7 keys, while powerful, are merely templates to finding your own, unique, “custom-cut” keys—the ones that will open your own particular door to intimacy and freedom.

Put it in your calendar to join us on Friday, June 27th from 7-9pm at the Integral Center!

During this evening we will look deeply into why we cannot find fulfilling connection and also why we do not feel free when we enter or even contemplate entering an intimate relationship. Using the 7 Keys, and honing them through personal and unique inquires, you will discover how being in relationship can be the path to meta-level freedom: the freedom to be fully yourself as well as the freedom to be in connection.

At that point, relationship becomes brilliant and fulfilling, but actually secondary to what we really want: communion with ourselves. Paradoxically, that is the final key to what makes relationships actually work.

Your Facilitator:

Screen Shot 2014-05-31 at 6.06.30 PMKristin S. Luce, MA:

MA, Psychology from Naropa University 1997
Graduate and Certified Facilitator Candidate of The Work of Byron Katie: 2007, 2009, 2010
Psychotherapist and Coach: 1997-present
Published Author 1997-present
Certified Meditation Instructor: 2008 by Reggie Ray, Founder of Dharma Ocean Foundation.
Meditation Retreat staff: 1997-2010
Sutrayana Seminary, 2004
Vajrayana Seminary, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Find more info at: www.KristinLuce.com


“Along with my professional background, I bring 25+ years of being in the “relationship trenches” personally. I have found that, with the right tools, these relationships have led me to more freedom, vibrancy and intimacy than I thought was possible—and, yes, that absolutely starts and ends with myself.”


Friday Night, June 27th, 7-9pm

The Integral Center, 2805 Broadway, Boulder CO

$10 at the door; Integral Members FREE (no one turned away for lack of ability to pay)


The magic is working, holy cow. It’s from our work just now and yesterday, and it was better than I expected. I shift and everyone shifts! I can’t believe it. I want to thank you and tell you Wow, just Wow.” -SF


“I am waking up, instead of staying in dream la-la land, shifting into the present moment and asking myself what I can do RIGHT NOW to move forward!

You have really helped me work through my barriers to actually doing and accomplishing things. I feel myself now in a new place of openness to new ways of being and working in my life. What will I do RIGHT NOW? Thanks for being a place of sharing and accountability for me!”  -JE


“Kristin, I realize that the desires I had at the beginning of our work have come true! I loved experiencing your work and was in awe many times at the powerful insights. Thank you for your beautiful support!”  -DC


“It really feels like everything has changed. One huge piece that’s missing is the self-judgment. I really can’t even find it when I look for it. So, there’s this lightness now, and a sense of both openness and possibility. Bottom line, for me, is that I’m experiencing myself compassionately. I feel complete. Lesson learned. Left with gratitude. I wanted to offer a testimony to how effective your work is! and to say, Thank You.” -CN


“Since working with you, Kristin, I am handling things amazingly well. I keep rolling with all this stuff without the worry that I used to hold onto. Sure things are hard sometimes, but I move through everything so much faster now! Thanks so much for all of your help. I am much more confident and welcoming of challenges, and I’m seeing my strength increase with everything!”  -SC

I hope you will join me for this revolutionary evening! Put it in your calendar to join us on Friday, June 27th from 7-9pm at the Integral Center!

with love!
