2 thoughts on “The Goddess in Your Vagina

  1. William McRae

    Wonderful. Wonderful…….
    I read this on Elephant and got kicked out and am not sure I subscribe to their business model so cannot get back in to look again and quote.
    I do subscribe to yours ,however, and hope you may touch the hearts of many. Your open and honest account of the touching of your body and at the same time your heart so soon after marriage opened me right up. It was two years before I was able to do that.
    I am 56, separated at 48, have experienced a decline in libido and sexual function since mid forties. I was confused about the cause, disintegrating relationship, a little fat and too much alcohol, riding a bike a lot, low testosterone, other stress. Most of those are fixed now, but what has helped the most is bringing my long term mindfulness practice to my groin and seeing myself free, flowing, hard, loving, satisfying, all the things I know myself to be. All things begin with mind. Than you Kristin for writing like a real woman.

  2. Kristin Post author

    Thank you for this, William. BTW, Elephant Journal allows three article views per day without subscription, so if you want to get back on you can the next day. I so appreciate what you say here, and how much you recognize in yourself and the mind-body-heart connection. I also highly recommend “Passionate Marriage” by Dr. David Schnarch if you want to continue your journey to deep, open-hearted (and I would add spiritual, for lack of better work) eroticism.


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